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Friday, May 19, 2006
Good News, Everyone! 
So as we speak, Dan's going through some chemo right now. He's feeling pretty good, a little tired and rather bored. It's rather anti-climatic because you're just sitting there with an IV drip. But I just talked to him and according to his treatment schedule, he'll be able to play the Ottobar show on 5/31. So yea, everyone should come out to the show and see RSG! one more time before they go on a hiatus for the summer.

Thanks for your support and stuff!

Michelle on behalf of RSG!

Saturday, May 13, 2006
Get well Dan! 
Hi All,

Unfortunately, we're going to have to cancel some of our shows. As you may know, Dan had cancer last fall and it went away and we all celebrated and partied. But after 3 months of remission, the cancer (Hodgkin's disease) has come back. Dan will be going through a new regimen of treatments to get rid of it all and it'll be pretty tough. Lots of chemo, procedures, and recovery. So with that said, RSG will have to pull out of some shows. :( But no worries, once Dan is better, RSG will be back in action! In the meantime, feel free to send Dan well wishes at or Dan Hess, PO Box 341, Rockville, MD 20848. He'd love hearing from you guys! In the meantime, keep checking back for any updates we might have.

Thanks for everyone's support and well wishes,

January 2006

February 2006

May 2006

©2006 The Ready Steady Go!